Our Industrial Solutions

Kingsway Legend Technology carries the following products



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Updates - Oct, 2009: Kingsway Legend Technology Website Overhaul.

香港漢譽國際代理的美國自由人 (Freeman) 是全北美洲最享負盛名的模具和鑄造材料供應商,百年經驗提供一站式服務及卓越高品質產品,應用於模具,產品造型,開發,制造產品和鑄造用品等行業。

自由人提供最全面的聚氨酯和環氧樹脂特種蠟,真空包裝材料,矽橡,氨基鉀酸酯液體模模塑成型,樹脂傳遞模塑用蠟片,聚氨酯彈性體材料,制造復合材料模具,以及高性能碳纖維/玻璃纖維. 漢譽專業的的知識與自由人可靠的產品線助您快人一步將產品推出市埸, 提升在國際上的競爭優勢。

Kingsway Legend Technology Limited showcased Freeman products at booth T04 at the 2rd Dongguan International Exhibition on Foundry & Diecasting Industries. Come to our booth to see how we can streamline your industrial processes with Freeman and Indutherm products.


 WEB UPDATES: (New)10-24-2009 : Product pages uploaded





Kingsway Legend Technology Limited

電話: (852) 2330 1238, 2330 1898
傳真機: (852) 2330 2228
電子郵箱: info@kingswaytech.com.hk.

Rm 1407, 14/F, Star House, No.3 Salisbury Road,

Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Tel: (852) 23301238, 2330 1238

Fax:(852) 2330 2228

Inquiry: info@kingswaytech.com

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QQ : 1196048102






Kingsway Legend Technology believes the only way for us to stay ahead in the globalization age is to be proactive. For years, Kingsway Legend Technology has acquired both theoretical and industrial experiences from attending numerous consortium and trouble shooting sessions at factory floors throughout the world.